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domingo, 3 de novembro de 2019

Matrizes solares implantadas com sucesso na espaçonave Cygnus da Northrop Grumman

Caros Leitores;

The Northrop Grumman Antares rocket, with Cygnus resupply spacecraft onboard, launches from Pad-0A of NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, Saturday, November 2, 2019, in Virginia. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

The solar arrays have successfully deployed on Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus spacecraft that is its way to deliver about 8,200 pounds of science and research, crew supplies, and hardware to the International Space Station. This is the company’s 12th contracted cargo resupply mission with NASA.

This mission, designated NG-12, will be in orbit at the same time as its predecessor, the NG-11 Cygnus spacecraft, which launched in April on an extended duration flight. The NG-12 Cygnus spacecraft will remain at the space station until January before it disposes of several thousand pounds of trash through its fiery reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. The ability to fly two vehicles at once further demonstrates the robustness of Cygnus to support the goals of NASA’s ambitious missions.

Follow the Cygnus spacecraft’s arrival to the orbiting laboratory on the space station blog and @space_station and @ISS_Research Twitter accounts, as well as the ISS Facebook and ISS Instagram accounts.

Fonte:  NASA / 03-11-2019

Obrigado pela sua visita e volte sempre!
HélioR.M.Cabral (Economista, Escritor e Divulgador de conteúdos da Astronomia, Astrofísica, Astrobiologia e Climatologia).

Membro da Society for Science andthePublic (SSP) e assinante de conteúdoscientíficos da NASA (NationalAeronauticsand Space Administration) e ESA (European Space Agency).

Participa do projeto S`CoolGroundObservation (Observações de Nuvens) que é integrado ao Projeto CERES (CloudsandEarth´sRadiant Energy System) administrado pela NASA.A partir de 2019, tornou-se membro da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira (SAB), como astrônomo amador.

Participa também do projeto The GlobeProgram / NASA GlobeCloud, um Programa de Ciência e Educação Worldwide, que também tem o objetivo de monitorar o Clima em toda a Terra. Este projeto é patrocinado pela NASA e National Science Fundation (NSF), e apoiado pela NationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) e U.S DepartmentofState.

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